In a dystopian world of government stealth control, agents Jacob and Gordon are tasked to protect Ashley, a bubbly college student, on her vacation to an island resort. Jacob and Gordon bicker with, control, and find themselves overcome by the roles they must take on. This story features a varying third person POV, male to female possession / stealth control, a vague kidnapping plot, and two tough men being forced by circumstances to inhabit soft, female bodies.
Uh, hi. I’m Ross. I’m a university student in the not-so far off future of 2103. Huh.. alright, how to describe my last twelve hours… Well, I've certainly learned a lot. hahaha... Experienced a whole bunch of first times. Hm... okay so this was how it went down. After an exam yesterday evening, I was all set to go grab dinner with some of my buddies from class when my girlfriend sends me a message. Turns out she was hella horny now that the test was over so I gave my friends a rain check and went to meet up with her. After a bit, though, my gf messaged and canceled on me! Frustrated at being jerked around, when another girl hit on me, I had a moment of weakness and agreed to fool around with her instead.
Turns out this other girl had some wild secrets of her own, and things only got crazier from there. I learned about an entire fetish I never new existed and I got to have a threesome! It was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions, but I think I came out of the whole ordeal a better, more experienced boyfriend, and you know, I think I am looking forward to the next time we get a chance to have some fun!
A demon wearing the form of a young college student arrives at the residence of his host with a sinister purpose.
Will he succeed in passing himself off as the student and complete his objective or will her friends suspect something and attempt to thwart the demon?
It's easy to possess and direct someone physically. But the real challenge is helping their mental state. The mind and body are the most integral duo when it comes to making what you want a reality. So it's only right to teach someone that fact if they don't know it. Especially when they don't know why their mind and body aren't cohesive in the first place.
In a dystopian world of government stealth control, agents Jacob and Gordon are tasked to protect Ashley, a bubbly college student, on her vacation to an island resort. Jacob and Gordon bicker with, control, and find themselves overcome by the roles they must take on. This story features a varying third person POV, male to female possession / stealth control, a vague kidnapping plot, and two tough men being forced by circumstances to inhabit soft, female bodies.
Uh, hi. I’m Ross. I’m a university student in the not-so far off future of 2103. Huh.. alright, how to describe my last twelve hours… Well, I've certainly learned a lot. hahaha... Experienced a whole bunch of first times. Hm... okay so this was how it went down. After an exam yesterday evening, I was all set to go grab dinner with some of my buddies from class when my girlfriend sends me a message. Turns out she was hella horny now that the test was over so I gave my friends a rain check and went to meet up with her. After a bit, though, my gf messaged and canceled on me! Frustrated at being jerked around, when another girl hit on me, I had a moment of weakness and agreed to fool around with her instead. Turns out this other girl had some wild secrets of her own, and things only got crazier from there. I learned about an entire fetish I never new existed and I got to have a threesome! It was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions, but I think I came out of the whole ordeal a better, more experienced boyfriend, and you know, I think I am looking forward to the next time we get a chance to have some fun!
A demon wearing the form of a young college student arrives at the residence of his host with a sinister purpose. Will he succeed in passing himself off as the student and complete his objective or will her friends suspect something and attempt to thwart the demon?
Try searching for something else.