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  • Trying Something New: Chapter 2

    Chapter by Kripto ∙ 22 July 2024
  • Peter and Christine meet old friends, then meet their children, a pair of fraternal twin who are on a college break. The married body hopping couple decide to expand their sexual escapades by spending the rest of the week possessing the twins. Christine adds a twist, and they both explore their hosts' kinks.

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  • It was a crisp fall day when Christine Henderson arrived home from work. She was later than usual, but for good reason. She had been catching up with a friend she hadn’t seen in a very long time. And they had made plans to get together and catch up, and drag their husbands along with them. Christine knew her husband, Peter, would not like this change of plans at all. It disrupted their nightly routine of the past couple months of fucking each other silly. 


    Despite the fact that they were an old married couple, they were enjoying a resurgence in their sex life. This was made easier by the fact that they were also body hoppers, and were exploring new kinks they had long shunned. In this case, they were regularly hopping the bodies of a mother and son that lived across the street from them. 


    Peter hadn’t been able to get enough of their neighbors. The taboo nature of using their bodies to satiate their desires had not grown stale. Usually they’d have grown bored, but that had not been the case. 


    Every day, as soon as they both got home from work, they would shed their clothes and become an ethereal mist. They’d float across the street, and take over the mother and son that lived there. Then they would act perfectly normal. The mother would talk about her work at a bank downtown. The son would talk about his college classes he’d attended that day. But during a meal or an activity, there would be subtle flirting that would turn into not so subtle flirting. Eventually clothes would be removed, or sometimes torn off. And before the night was over, the mother and son would have engaged in hot, hot incest. 


    Night after night after night this was their pattern. And when Christine walked into her kitchen that day, she saw that her husband was already in mist form, ready to go. 


    “Peter, I’m sorry,” Christine sighed. “There’s been a change of plans tonight. We’ve got a dinner date.”


    Christine watched as the mist swayed back and forth.


    “It couldn’t be helped,” she said. “I ran into Diane Shiplee today at lunch. You remember the Shiplees?” 


    She knew darn well he did. They used to be their dearest friends. Still, he handled this news about as well as she expected. She watched the mist sway back and forth and spin around. 


     “Oh don’t be like that,” Christine argued. “You used to love it when I’d hop Diane so you could play with her big tits. We might have never stopped if they hadn’t gotten pregnant.”


    The mist continued to spin and whirl and throw a mini tantrum. 


    “Oh yes,” Christine exclaimed. “I remember your big tit phase. You wanted me to hop whoever had the biggest pair in the room. And quite often that was Diane.”


    The mist began moving up and down in the air.


    “Stop it, Peter,” Christine said frustratedly. “I can’t understand you. You’ll have to rematerialize.”


    The mist hung there for a few seconds, not moving in the slightest.


    “Now, please!” Christine demanded.


    The mist began to swirl about, and began to take the shape of a man. A few seconds later, where the mist had been, stood an older, pudgy man in his sixties without a stitch of clothes on him. As soon as he could speak, he started complaining.


    “No! Not tonight! You can’t be serious! We’ve got a good thing going here. You said so yourself last night.”


    Christine helped turn him in the direction of the stairs, “Yes, I know dear. But that also means we haven’t had a social life in two months. People will think we’ve died or joined a cult. Besides, we probably need to give Sara and Mark a break, don’t you think. Let them have a normal, sex free night as mother and son. Now go put something nice on.”


    Peter followed his wife into their bedroom in full pout. “I don’t see why we have to visit the Shiplees. We haven’t seen them in ages.”


    “You used to love the Shiplees! And I’m not just talking about Diane’s tits. You and Greg always got along so well. You’d talk about, uh, whatever it is that got you two all fired up.”


    “Model trains.”


    Christine chose a shirt from his closet and handed it to him. “Really? Trains? But you don’t have any model trains. Or any other kind of models?”


    “I know, but it’s still fascinating. He was working on creating a whole village. He let me run it one time, you know.”


    “How very nice of him. Now get these pants on and let’s go. Dinner’s in thirty, and we need to stop and pick up a bottle of wine before we get there.”


    Peter looked at the pants with distrust, as if by putting them on he was accepting this dinner party that had been forced upon him. “Are we going to hop them and screw?”


    Christine put her hands on her hips. “If you want to, I suppose…”


    “They’re almost as old as we are!”


    “We’ve still got them beat by a good ten years.”


    “Do you want to have sex as someone in your late forties, early fifties?” Peter asked wryly.


    “I mean, we’ve had sex in each others bodies this last week, so…”


    “Not what I asked,” Peter said. “And we’ve had the help of a surge to our libido. I bet Greg and Diane do it only once or twice a month by now.”


    Christine rolled her eyes as she watched her husband take forever to put his pants on. “We don’t have to hop the.”


    “Well then let’s blow them off so we can hop the neighbors,” Peter begged. “Mark’s dick gets so hard when he sticks it in his mommy’s pussy.”


    “If you stop complaining, maybe tomorrow I’ll have Mommy put on a nurse’s outfit and see if her big man needs to stay home from college classes tomorrow.”


    With that incentive, the pants were on, and they got out the door less than a minute later.


    The Shiplees had been friends. Good friends. But in the business of life and career, both couples had drifted apart over time. The real nail in the coffin of their relationship though, had happened nineteen years ago when Diane had given birth to twins, a boy and a girl. 


    Peter and Christine were happy for them, of course. But kids were a sore spot, as Peter and Christine had been unable to have any of their own. Christine was there for Diane through the first trimester, but then started distancing herself out of self preservation. When their twins, Aiden and Ally were born, it had been all too easy to cut the cord on them entirely. 


    Part of what appealed to Christine about reconnecting now was the fact that the kids had graduated and gone to a college out of state. Christine had been able to skip that whole part of their life. Now she could hopefully pick up where they had left off in their friendship. They could focus on being almost retirees together.


    After a thirty minute drive across town, the Hendersons parked in front of the Shiplees’ house. Peter and Christine were reminded of how long it had been, as they took in the front lawn. Several decorative items had been added to the landscape. A fountain, some gnomes, several flowers, none of which had been there all those years ago. As they got out of their cars, they had a moment where they weren’t sure which entrance to use. Good friends didn’t come in the front door, but circled around to the back door. After a moment's hesitation, Peter led his wife to the front door, and rang the bell. 


    Greg and Diane Shiplee both answered the door with huge smiles plastered on their faces. They were ushered the Hendersons inside, where Christine and Diane immediately hugged and complimented each other’s attire. Peter and Greg shared a firm handshake and with an expression that conveyed it had been too long. As they went further into the house, Peter and Christine sized up the Shiplees. 


    Christine noted that Greg seemed to have grown handsomer over the years. She wondered if he still had the stamina of a young man. Probably not, but she’d be willing to let her husband hop him and see. 


    Peter saw that children and gravity had not been kind to Diane’s breasts. They seemed much lower than he remembered. That was the problem of having children. The way they could ruin works of art like that. If asked though, he still wouldn’t mind getting his hand, or his mouth on them. That wouldn’t be a hard sell, as he had seen his He still would like to get his hands on them. And the way he noticed his wife sizing up Greg, he bet she wouldn’t at all mind getting her hands on Greg’s dick. She’d probably be disappointed by Greg’s stamina nowadays though. 


    Peter and Christine shared a look and a playful smile while they moved through the house with their old friends. It was a look that said they would most definitely hop them soon and get down to fucking. For them, it would be like putting on an old, reliable coat, or jeans that were contoured to your waist. Fucking in their bodies would be enjoyable, and comfortable. They were already thinking past the casual conversation, the evening meal, and the long goodbye with plans to see each other soon. Their imaginations had skipped straight to the moment they were alone in their vehicle out front. The moment they became mist and floated back into the house to take over the Shipplees. That’s when the real catching up would begin. 


    But those plans were derailed as they made their way into the dining room. There were two extra place settings. And before they could ask why, the answers walked in from the adjoining kitchen. 


    A lovely brunette that was the spitting image of her mother didn’t look up from her phone as she asked, “Can we eat yet?”


    “Ally, you know…” Diane started, but Christine didn’t hear the rest. Why was Ally here? She was supposed to be in college. Diane had mentioned that they were both in college earlier that day. 


    “I’m sorry,” Christine said abruptly, trying not to stare daggers at the beautiful but sulky teen. “I thought Ally was away at college.”


    “Not during fall break, she’s not,” another voice said. It belonged to a tall, handsome boy that had strolled into the room. He looked like the teen version of his father, but without an ounce of fat on him. “This smells great Mom. Can we tuck in?”


    “It’s buffet style,” Diane said to Peter and Christine. Then with a look at her son, she said, “And our guests go first. Please bring them their plates.”


    The twins did, then quickly fell in line behind the Hendersons. Peter and Christine filled their plates and went to sit at the table. Christine was wondering if they should make an excuse and leave. Peter was wondering how he had gone so long without Diane’s cooking. It was even better than he remembered. When Greg mentioned his model trains and how he’d have to show Peter his completed village in the basement, Christine knew there was no chance of leaving early. She decided to make the most of it and tried to engage the twins in casual conversation. 


    That proved difficult. Ally kept her nose buried in her phone between bites and acted like Christine wasn’t there. And Aiden only seemed to answer with a mouth full of food which he kept shoving into his mouth at top speed. He was the first to clear his plate. He got up, kissed the top of his mother’s head and said, “The food is much better here. Thanks mom!”


    Christine was appalled at the lack of manners on display. Still, she couldn’t help but check out Aiden’s tight butt as he left the room. She wondered if he was as endowed as his father. When she glanced at her husband, she caught his eyes darting from Greg, to Ally’s D cups, to Greg, and then back again. She wondered if Peter would want to…but that was silly. They were both annoying teens, and related to each other. 


    But…that incestuous taboo damn had burst with Mark and Sara. And Aiden and Ally were both of age. And if she and Peter hopped them, they would make them much more hospitable to be around. And when people weren’t around, well… Christine felt her face get hot at the thought of the twins bodies, naked, entwined and writhing together in a passionate embrace…


    “Christine, are you alright?” Diane asked. “Your face is all red.”


    As she raised a glass of water, Christine replied, “Oh, yes. Fine. Just…hot flashes. You know how it is.”


    The meal lasted an hour, and the conversation improved after Ally left the room. It was amazing how the atmosphere could improve when you removed a sulky teenager from the room. Diane did apologize for her children’s behavior, and tried to make excuses for them. She mumbled something about Aiden wanting to get back to a video game he was obsessed with, and Ally hating being away from her new college friends.


    Christine was still mildly upset with Diane for not telling her the twins would be there in the first place. Apparently the kids were on some fall break, and Diane hadn’t thought that news was worth bringing up earlier that day. A good thing, because Christine might have declined the invitation. After seeing the teens’ lack of table manners and conversational skills, Christine waffled between feeling sorry for Diane, and being critical of her parenting choices. 


    As the wives continued to chat in the dining room, the husbands excused themselves and went down to the basement. Peter was thoroughly impressed by what he saw. Greg’s train village had grown exponentially, and now took up most of their finished basement. The amount of detail Greg had put in, it was a true labor of love. 


    “This is amazing!” Peter exclaimed. “I bet your kids loved working on this with you over the years.”


    Greg’s face fell a little. “They both stopped helping me with it before they became teenagers. Now if I bring it up, they call it lame or sad.” He paused to sigh. “I’m hoping someday my future grandkids will be able to appreciate it.”


    Peter didn’t say anything regarding Greg’s kids. He had found them both a little aloof, but he couldn’t believe they didn’t appreciate their dad’s hobby. Most kids would have killed to grow up in a house with a train set like this. Peter changed the subject to the individual pieces and models he was working on, and asked if he could help in some way. 


    Time stretched, and before they knew it, their wives were calling for them to come upstairs. It was getting late, and as they all had work in the morning, it was time to pack it in. Promises were made to get together again soon, and finally, the Hendersons found themselves back in their car. Almost immediately, they began to talk over one another.


    “It really was good to see them.”


    “It was a good night.”


    “I can’t believe it’s been so long.”


    “They both looked good.”


    “Yeah, really good. 


    “Good enough to maybe-”


    “But their kids…”


    “Yeah, their kids were something else.”


    “They were rude.”


    “Self centered.”




    “Not really there.”


    “It would be nice if they…”


    “...treated their parents…”


    “...with more respect.”


    They both looked at each other for a long moment and wondered if they were both thinking the same thing. Christine was the first to put it out there. “You know, we could help them in that area.”


    Peter arched an eyebrow. “We could. We could help our friends enjoy this time with their kids.”


    “Oh, you want to hop their kids?” Christine asked coyly.


    Peter chucked. “Don’t act like you weren’t thinking the same thing.”


    “But I thought we were hopping the adults. Didn’t you want to get your hands on Diane’s big boobs again?”


    Peter winked. “I saw you checking out Aiden. In the brief time he was there.”


    “And I saw you looking a lot more at Ally’s rack than Diane’s.”


    “So…you’d be down to hop those annoying brats?”


    “I mean, it would be like we were doing them a favor.”


    “And you wouldn’t be opposed to…to getting up to stuff in their bodies?”


    Christine smirked at him. “You were the one that got me started on this whole incest track, dear. If we can love having sex as a mother and son, I think a brother and sister is the next logical step.”


    “I mean, I think the next logical step would be father and daughter…”


    “I’ll race you inside,” Christine said. Then her body dissolved into a fine mist and her clothes hit the car seat.


    “But if we’re not taking over Greg and Diane, I’ll have to move the car somewhere!” Peter protested. 


    The mist hovered next to him for a moment, then shot out thru the vents and disappeared through the Shiplee’s front door. Peter sighed. He put the car in reverse, and went to go find a nearby place where his car could be safe, but also not draw attention. 


    The mist traveled unawares through the Shiplee’s house. It had been awhile, but she remembered the layout pretty well, especially the path to the master bedroom. What she didn’t know was which room belonged to which twin. She picked the first one she came to and flew under the door. It was Aiden’s room apparently. And he wasn’t playing a game. He was sitting up on his bed with his pants off and his underwear pulled down. One hand held a tablet that was quietly playing porn, while the other hand stroked his thick cock. Christine knew he must be getting close, because his body tightened and he began to speed up. 


    Why did Peter have to worry about the stupid car? He was going to miss a perfectly good orgasm, and then there would be a waiting period until…until… But she could do something about it, couldn’t she? She was here. She could hop Aiden’s body. 


    There were two things that Peter and Christine had not done in their marriage. The first was not to have incestuous sex in people’s bodies. And the second was to stay as their respective genders whenever they hopped. Christine didn’t feel like she’d care which gender she was in, but she knew her husband sure did. He liked having a dick. Didn’t they all. 


    Well, Peter wasn’t here to get that dick right then, was he? It was up to her to hop Aiden and bring him back down before he blew his load. She could always hop out when her husband got there and let him take over. Unless…unless she didn’t let him. He’d just have to be the one to hop Ally. He probably would complain at first, but…they were all about trying something new these days. 


    Aiden was very close. He was looking at his preferred porn, one where hot women touched, kissed and licked each other’s clean shaven armpits. He wasn’t sure why the sight of this gave him such a thrill, but it never failed to get him as hard as a rock. He’d told a girlfriend about it once. She had laughed and called him a weirdo. She’d given him access to her armpits one time after that, but said it was just too weird. Well here in his bedroom, he could look at them, and fantasize about them all he wanted. He was almost there. Almost-


    And then he was coughing. Something had flown up his nose. He sputtered and shook his head, but the whole time kept a firm grip on the tablet and his cock. He thought whatever it was had passed, and then his mind began to grow foggy. But he still didn’t stop stroking his dick. Even when everything went black. 


    A very pleasurable sensation hit Christine as she gained control of Aiden’s body. She felt so good. And the source of that pleasure was his dick. It felt so good to stroke it. She’d stroked many a dick of course, but she’d never been on the receiving end. She thought she’d be able to ease it off, but that was like holding back the tide. Instead she leaned into it. She gripped it harder and let Aiden’s hand slide up and down while his eyes took in the video playing on the tablet.


    Christine had a moment to think, “Why was that woman licking that other woman’s armpit? Was that a thing young people were into these days? Is that something her husband had ever want to…to…and then she felt her balls tighten, and an eruption happen in her groin. Semen flew into the air and landed on her hand and taut stomach. It was brief. It was intense. And then it was over. 


    “Wow, that was great,” she panted. “But I still think girls cum out ahead there.” She smiled as she thought about how Peter could soon weigh in with first hand experience on that matter. She cleaned herself off, then got dressed. She left Aiden’s room in search of his parents. She found them reclining together watching a movie. 


    Diane perked up as Aiden entered the room. “What’s going on sweetie? Anything you need?”


    Aiden plopped down next to his mom and said, “Just felt like being with my wonderful parents. Mind if I watch the movie with you guys?”


    “S-sure,” Diane stuttered as she tried to push down the excitement in her voice. It was so very rare that her children wanted to stay in a room longer than the time it took to feed them or have them ask for something. Her tall teenage son draped an arm around her and pulled her in. She missed this. She missed them. She was glad they were home for a bit.


    It had taken Peter twenty minutes to find the right place. It was still close, but in a good area, and around other cars. He made sure the doors were locked, then disappeared into mist and glided swiftly towards the Shiplee’s. When he got there, he found Greg, Diane and Aiden watching a movie together. He hated to break that up, but he also didn't want to keep his wife waiting in Ally’s body, especially while the parents were otherwise occupied. He flew straight at Aiden with the intent to possess him quickly, and hit a wall. 


    It wasn’t really a wall, but more an impediment. Try as he might, Peter could not enter Aiden’s body for some reason. He retreated a few steps in his mist form, and saw Aiden grinning in his direction. He whirled around to see if someone was behind him, but there wasn’t. Aiden could see him. Why could Aiden see him?


    “You guys want popcorn?” Aiden asked, getting up. “Or maybe something to drink?”


    “Oh, I’d love some of the sugar free candy I keep in the cupboard,” Diane said.


    “And I’d take some of the candy full of sugar in the other cupboard,” Greg piped up.


    “Coming right up,” Aiden laughed. The mist followed him into the kitchen, and as soon as he knew his parents couldn’t see, he said, “Surprise, Peter. We’re trying something new again.”


    The mist swayed side to side, then began to spin around. 


    “Stop being such a baby. Who knows, you might really like it. That’s been our problem, hasn’t it? We haven’t tried new things until very recently, and it’s done wonders for us.”


    The mist began to zoom around the kitchen.


    Christine tried not to get angry and raise Aiden’s voice. “I’m not leaving this boy’s body until you’ve at least had a go in the girl’s, so stop wasting time and hop her already.” Christine watched as the mist got in front of her and floated there in silence for a few seconds. Then it zoomed out of the room. 


    Peter wasn’t happy. First he had to be the one to figure out the car situation. Then his wife was arguing with him about the plan while he was in mist form. That was the second time that had happened today! And now she wanted him to go into the girl! What was she thinking? He couldn’t be the girl! He was always the guy. She knew that! He needed…he needed a penis. That was all there was to it. They were not going to have sex while he was a girl. No way in a million years. The only thing he’d do once in this girl’s body would be to get Christine to switch with him. 


    When a misty swirled into her room, Ally was in her bed staring frustratedly at the pictures her college friends were posting on social media. Her roommate and a few other girls had gotten an airbnb on the coast for the rest of the break. They looked like they were having the time of their lives. She could have been with them, but she hadn’t been invited. Why the hell hadn’t she been invited? It might have something to do with her hooking up with her roommate’s ex in the first week, but Ally was pretty sure she still didn’t know about that. And it hadn’t been her fault anyway! She hadn’t known anyone yet!


    She blinked as kind of haze suddenly overcame her vision. She momentarily felt like her face had been plunged into a cloud. She took a deep breath, and her phone dropped from her hand and fell onto the bed.


    “This is awful,” Ally’s voice said as she got up from the bed. Peter was aware of extra movement as her breasts jiggled slightly. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Everything felt weird. He felt shorter. He felt a definitive absence between his legs. “What were you thinking Christine?” he whined as he stormed from the room. 


    Greg thought the movie was pretty good. Diane was thinking how wonderful it was to be sandwiched between her two men. The fact that her grown teenager was cuddling her, it was so great. She thought the days of him showing her any kind of outward affection were gone, but here they were. And then her daughter entered the room. The glare of the television kept Diane from seeing the angry expression on Ally’s face. All Diane thought was they could be together for a moment. Just a normal family, taking a beat, being together. 


    She cleared her throat and said, “Dad, make room for Ally on the couch.”


    Greg turned his attention from the screen and beamed at his daughter. “Sure thing, pumpkin.” He scootched to the side, leaving a very tiny spot for Ally to squeeze into. 


    Before Peter could grab Aiden’s arm and drag him into the other room, Peter took in all of their expressions. He saw a mother that was overjoyed for the family to be together again during this college break. He saw a father that had missed his little girl. And he saw his wife wearing Aiden’s face mouthing for him to sit down. He remembered the good this was doing for his old friends. He sighed, then relented, and squeezed into the couch. 


    Greg pulled his arm around him, and kissed the top of his head. “I thought you two were only going to come out for meals. This is really nice kids.”


    “So nice,” Dianed chimed in.


    “Okay, okay,” Aiden said. “Don’t go ruining the moment by making a big deal about it.”


    “We’re sorry if we take our awesome parents for granted sometimes. We really missed you at college.”


    Diane started to tear up. “Oh sweetie. We miss you every day.”


    “We love you, Mom and Dad,” Aiden said with a smile. “We’ll try to be more present for the next few days.”

    Greg nodded approvingly at his son. “Your mom and I would like that.”


    “And I’d be willing to help you around the house,” Ally offered. 


    Diane laughed. “Who are you and what have you done to our kids!”


    There was silence for a second, then Ally and Aiden erupted into a very forced laugh. 


    “Oh Mom,” Ally said with a nervous giggle. “That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”


    “Who else would we be?” Aiden asked seriously.


    “How would that even be possible?” Ally added. “I mean, we look just like them.”


    Diane knew they were teasing her and said, “Alright you jokers. Let’s finish the movie.”


    Both kids settled back in with their parents, and breathed a sigh of relief. When it came to deception in their body swaps, they were a little rusty. They spent all their time usually confined with couples, and rarely had to fool anyone. Peter saw this as a good opportunity to practice. 


    At the movies end, Diane was yawning, and Greg was actually asleep. He could almost never make it through a movie on a full stomach. They woke him, and once they were all standing up, both kids gave each parent a hug in turn. 


    “Love you, Mom.”


    “Night, Dad.”


    “You’re the best.”


    “Let’s do something fun tomorrow!”


    After that, they bounded to their rooms, and both parents looked at each other with huge smiles. Their hearts were full. 


    Instead of going into her room, Ally followed Aiden into his. Immediately she dropped the charade of darling daughter, and began to snap at his wife in hushed tones. “Okay, you’ve had your fun, Chrstine. Now let’s switch.”


    Christine responded by grabbing the lightweight girl and spinning her around to where Aiden’s bed was directly behind her. Then Christine grabbed the bottom of Ally’s hoodie, and lifted it over her head. Well, tried to. Ally’s head briefly got stuck, and while Peter struggled to get it off, Christine shoved him down into a sitting position on the bed, and attacked his tits with Aiden’s tongue. 


    As Aiden’s face came into view, Peter wondered what had gotten into his wife. Why was she taking the lead? Why was she sucking on his tits? And why did it feel so good? He knew it had to feel good, of course. Tits were sensitive. He didn’t know how sensitive they could get though, because he’d never allowed his wife to suck on a pair that he inhabited. Turns out, pretty damned sensitive. Before he could stop it, a small moan escaped Ally’s lips. 


    “Sorry, sis,” Aiden said. “I’ve always wanted to suck on your big tits.”


    “Stop it, Christine,” Peter mumbled, even as his hand reached behind Aiden’s head and pulled his face back into his boobs. “Just stop it. Why are you doing this?”


    In response, Aiden’s teeth enclosed gently on one of Ally’s nipples, and slowly, ever so slowly, began to apply more pressure.


    “Oh fuck me!” Peter cried. “That hurts and feels amazing at the same time!”


    Christine released the nipple and looked at her husband. “Welcome to womanhood.”


    “Okay, I get it. It’s very different, but not terrible. Now let’s switch.”


    “I don’t think you do get it yet, dear,” Christine said gruffly as Aiden’s fingers pulled down Ally’s short skirt. And as the panties slid down next, she said, “But you will in a second.”


    As Aiden’s hand reached between his legs, Peter instinctively snapped them shut. The hand reached out and flicked the sensitive nipple. “Hey!” Peter exclaimed louder than he meant to. But the distraction worked. Christine had pulled the legs apart and had found his new slit. Her fingers lit upon a spot that sent fireworks to his brain and pleasure up and down his body. “What the fuck was that?”


    “Only the beginning,” Christine smiled, and then she lowered Aiden’s tongue between Ally’s lower lips.


    The next several minutes were incredible for Peter. This was so much better than a blowjob. The pleasure came in a series of waves that never seemed to end. He raised Ally’s hips instinctively to make Aiden’s tongue press harder on his clit. Peter saw in Ally’s memories that she’d never been eaten out like this before. Only one boyfriend had so far, and he was so timid, barely licking her. But Christine was using Aiden’s spongy tongue to flick and lash. It was driving Peter wild. He didn’t want it to end, even as his youthful body began to tire. 


    At last, the tongue pulled away after Ally’s body shook from another orgasm. Ally smiled up at Aiden and said, “Okay, that was great. I’m glad you made me try it. But now, we should probably-”


    And then Aiden’s pants and underwear were down, and his dick was out. And Ally’s memories told Peter that she’d seen it before, just this last summer. His towel had slipped while coming back to his room from a shower, and there it was. She had looked away quickly, but in that glance, she knew it was the biggest one she’d seen in person. And now it was in front of her, and her pussy tingled at the sight of it. And then he was pressing it against her. He was sliding it up and down her wetness that was partially her, partially Aiden’s own saliva. And then it parted her. It was in her. Her brother was inside of her. And that was hot. Insanely hot. It was something Peter never knew he so desperately wanted. 


    Christine saw the change in her husband’s eyes as she began to thrust in and out of his pussy. His mouth was agape, and she was beginning to writhe and moan. Her husband was fucking loving this. She wasn’t hating it either. She like fucking as a dude. She liked sticking this big tool inside his twin sister’s hot, wet snatch. Damn it felt good. Oh, too good. Dammit. Need to slow down. How did guys slow down when they needed to not-


    That was as far as the question got as Christine came. Peter felt penis pulse. Felt heat as his wife emptied her balls into him. He wrapped his legs around her back and pulled her in as far as she would go, knowing that’s something he liked his wife to do when he came inside her. She must’ve too, because she grunted appreciatively. 


    Both spent, Peter fell back onto Aiden’s bed. After a couple minutes, he felt someone tapping his legs. It was Christine. She was curled up on the floor, mumbling something. 


    “Can’t sleep here,” she said. “Need to get to your room.”


    Peter really didn’t want to move. But he also didn’t want Diane and Greg to catch their kids in such a scandalous state. He got up, and felt a warm trickle begin to run down his smooth leg. “What the…oh, ha! I’m leaking.”


    “Another great part of being a woman,” Christine said sleepily. “You get to clean up after.”


    “Are we going to…” Peter started to ask.


    “We’ll take care of it in the morning,” Christine said as she crawled into the bed. 


    Peter smiled at his wife. “Goodnight dear.”


    “You’re not mad at me.”


    “I suppose not, but next time, a little warning would be nice.”


    “If I had warned you this time, you would have never gone through with it.”


    With that, Christine rolled over, and was asleep in seconds.


    Early the next morning, the couple returned to mist. They left the house, found the car, and drove back home. They had breakfast together, and both chatted incessantly about the differences they felt as a member of the opposite sex. When pressed whether he’d do it again, Peter said under the right circumstances, he would. When asked what those circumstances were, he just smiled and wouldn’t answer.


    With a few more days left in their work week, they both went in, but only to set up everything in their respective jobs as if they were taking a little vacation, because that is exactly what they had decided to do. They arrived at home, turned to mist, and flew across town to the Shiplees. 


    Diane had wondered more than once why their kids were playing so hot and cold. After the sweet moment they had shared the night before, Diane woke up, made pancakes for the family, and then was saddened when both kids yelled at her for trying to wake them up to come and eat. All day they barely spoke to her. And then around the time Greg came home from work, it was like a switch had flipped. Both kids were suddenly there, hugging her, complimenting her, helping in the kitchen. She asked them why the huge change in mood, and they both apologized profusely to her, and said they’d make up for their bad attitudes by doing whatever she wanted for the rest of the week. 


    Greg was thrilled that Aiden was suddenly interested in trains again. Over the next few days, they spent a bunch of time in the basement, working on models together and talking about life. It was like his son was becoming his best friend. 


    Diane felt the same about Ally. It was like she had suddenly decided to mature ten years, and seemed to know a lot more about the world than she had just a few months ago. College could do that, she supposed. 


    In those mornings before the adults left for work, and the late afternoons when they came back, they were like a Norman Rockwell painting. But when the parents left, the siblings were suddenly all over each other. Clothes came on, and they fucked like rabbits in every room of the house. 


    To Christine’s delight, Peter had hopped Ally again without any prompting. When she asked him why, he said that the rest of this week was a special occasion, and they should finish it how they started it. They both enjoyed the happiness they were bringing their old friends by inhabiting their children’s bodies. And they very much enjoyed the pleasure they made each other feel when they were alone.


    They began to stop calling each other Aiden and Ally in front of their parents, but simply Brother and Sister. This carried over into their love making. With cries of “Fuck me harder brother!” And, “I can’t get enough of your tits, Sis!”


    On that Friday, their last day to have the house to themselves, Peter was trying to do a striptease in Ally’s body. Christine couldn’t stop laughing, because Peter didn’t have any rhythm, and apparently, neither did his mount. Ally’s limbs gyrated out of sync, and finally Peter stopped when she saw that his wife wasn’t going to take him seriously.

    “Oh don’t me mad, dear,” Christine cooed. “You can make me hard in other ways.”


    “Anything in particular?” Peter asked curiously. “Have you looked at his kinks? Is there anything that would make Aiden lose control?”


    “I’m not…” and then Christine remembered when she had first hopped Aiden. “Well actually, maybe there is. Hm…let’s try something. Go shower, and be sure to shave, then meet me in my room.”


    “You want me to shave my…” Peter said as he looked down at his bush. “I’m not sure I want to…”


    “No, no,” Christine said with a wink. “I need you to shave your armpits. Get them real smooth for me.”


    Peter gave his wife a coy look. “Um…okay. Is that…is that Aiden’s thing? Armpits.”


    Aiden’s face blushed. “I think it is. When I hopped him he was looking at two naked women licking armpits, and he was hard as a rock. Poor guy. He’s only ever told one person, and it was not received well.”


    Ally came over and gave Aiden a long, sensuous kiss, then said, “If that’s what my brother wants, give me ten minutes.” As Peter walked away, he looked back and said, “Actually, better make it twenty. I’ve never done this before.”


    “Just rely on her muscle memory,” Christine called after him. Just the thought of Ally soaping up and shaving her armpits had gotten her so hard. This body really knew what it liked. She went up to Aiden’s bedroom and tried to wait patiently. It was quite difficult. She thought about all the times she’d made her husband wait. It was torture. It was the longest twenty minutes of her life.


    It was actually just eighteen minutes when Ally walked into Aiden’s bedroom. The girl had a towel wrapped around her body, and another around her long, sandy blonde hair. She winked at him and asked, “Hey Bro, remember when you flashed me last summer?”


    “Uh, did that actually…Oh wow, yeah it did. I totally flashed you. Well, couldn’t stop thinking about your brother’s dick, huh?”


    “Something like that,” she purred, as she let the towel around her fall to the floor. 


    “What is it about nudity that just instantly does it for a guy?” Christine asked. 


    “Shh,” Ally said with a finger to her lips. “We’re not asking questions like that right now, Bro. This is about a sister that wants to help her brother out.”


    “Oh, uh, how are you going to help me out, Sis?”


    “For starters, get naked and sit on your bed.”


    Christine had mastered taking off boy clothes in record time the last couple of days, especially when sex was imminent. She then obediently sat down and waited to see how her husband was going to play this out. 


    As Peter watched Aiden do what he told him to do, he picked up on one of Ally’s kinks. She’d always let her past boyfriends take the lead. But she found it hot when she got to be the one in charge. He could work with that. “You left your phone on the table yesterday. Your browser was open.”


    “Uh, I can explain…”


    “Quiet,” Ally barked, coming towards him until her breasts were right in front of his eyes. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just what you’re into. There’s nothing wrong with that.”


    “I’m glad you think so.”


    “Look at me,” Ally snapped. She was pleased to see his eyes immediately locked onto hers. “I want you to tell me the truth. Have you ever looked at my armpits? Like times we’ve gone swimming or something?”


    “Yes,” Aiden said quickly. 


    “Did you ever think they were sexy?”


    Aiden only nodded.


    “Really? You’re not just telling me what I want to hear?


    Aiden shook his head. “No, Sis. Seriously. Your armpits are fantastic.”


    “Good to know.” She raised an arm straight up in the air. “If you promise to fuck me hard in whatever positions I want, I’ll let you take a closer look. Is that something you’d want?”




    “You would, wouldn’t you? Because armpits get you hard. Mine get you hard. Of course you’d like to take a closer look. Maybe touch them. Sniff them. Lick them. I’ll let you. They’re all nice and clean shaven for you. Is that how you like them?”


    Armpits had never meant anything to Christine. Not her own, not another woman’s, and certainly not her husband. But here, as she allowed Aiden’s kink bubble to the surface, it was the most provocative thing she’d ever seen.


    Aiden reached out to touch his sister. He started by reaching as high as he could, up to her elbow. Then he let his hand caress slowly down, until it reached curve of her armpit. It was soft and smooth. He leaned forward and sniffed. She hadn’t used soap, just a floral smelling shaving gel. He smelled her again. He thought about how it would smell as he made her work up a sweat. His dick grew even harder. 


    “Do it Bro,” she ordered. “Lick it. I know you want to.”


    And then his mouth was on her. Softly at first, and then with great need. His tongue explored her for several seconds, then she spun her and did the same to the other one. His desire stoked her own, and she said, “I’m going to lay back, and I want you in me. You can lick them as much as you want, just do it with that hard cock inside me.”


    He gave her exactly what she wanted. He pushed her onto the bed. She spread wide for him, and he entered her. He was so hard for her. He watched as she raised both arms over her head, giving him a clear invitation. He leaned forward and resumed kissing and licking them. While he did, he fondled her boobs with his free hand. 


    She felt his thrusts speed up. His pace was manic. There was no way he’d last. But he did. He stayed hard for longer than any of their other sessions. He seemed determined to stay in the moment for as long as possible. She came once, twice, and still his tongue explored under her arm. She was glad she could do that for him. She would give him whatever he wanted. She would let him fuck her and suck her wherever.


    At last, Aiden came. He gave a long, muffled moan into her armpit, and then rolled off her, completely satisfied. “That was fucking awesome,” he said. “Who knew armpits could be so sexy.”


    “I didn’t,” Peter giggled. 


    “Can we go again in twenty minutes?”


    Peter put one of Aiden’s hand on his breast, then around to his armpit again.


    “Maybe just fifteen?” Christine said as she felt her penis twitch.


    They both laughed. It only took twelve.


    The next day as they went down to breakfast, Christine told her husband she had a surprise for him. “Aiden is going shopping with his mother!”


    “Uh, okay?” Peter said, clearly wondering why that was a good thing. 


    “I made him tell Diane that he needed some new clothes for college, and how much he’d like to spend the day with just her.”


    “Well that’s…very nice I guess. But what’ll I do?”


    “What we’ve been doing, silly. We’ll try something new.”


    “I don’t understand…” was all he could manage before their parents joined them in the dining room. 


    Peter was still in the dark as Aiden got into the minivan with Diane and drove away. He watched as the car was almost at the end of the block, then squinted as he thought he saw something. Sure enough, it was his wife’s mist coming back towards the house. It raced towards him, and began to swirl around him. “What? What do you want woman? You want me to exit Ally and follow you?”


    The mist bounced up and down, and a second later, Peter’s mist joined her. He thought they were going to chase after the van, but he watched as Christine’s mist flew into Ally. She looked up at him and with a mischievous smile said, “I think it’s time for some quality father daughter time, don’t you?”


    Peter watched as Ally walked purposefully to the house and held the door open for him. He quickly took the hint, and in no time, he found himself in Greg’s slightly pudgy body. 


    “Hey, daddy,” Ally said coming up to him. “Since it’s just the two of us, let’s do something together.”


    Peter was doing his best to keep up. “What, uh, what should we do?”


    She got right in front of him and said, “I’d like you to show me your trains, daddy.”


    That was not where he thought this was going, but he wasn’t going to question it. “Right…right this way, pumpkin.” He turned and led them down the stairs. “It’s been a long time since you wanted to look at daddy’s train set.”


    “Oh yes. My brother was telling me about some of the pieces down here. You’ve put a lot of work into them, haven’t you daddy?”


    “I sure have. This piece for example, I ordered it online, but I painted it myself, and even added this bit right here with a special-”


    “Daddy?” she whispered. 


    He turned to look at her. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothes. She looked at him expectantly.


    “Daddy, do you like to play with these trains more than you like to play with me?”


    “N-no, I don’t…of course not.”


    She cleared his workbench, shoving several unfinished pieces, models and glue to the floor. Then she hopped up onto and spread her legs. “Then come and prove it. Come and play with me. You can use my whole body as your plaything. It’s all for you daddy. All because of what a good sport, I mean, good father you’ve been this week. So now you can have your daughter’s pussy, that is, if you want me. Do you daddy? Do you want me?”


    Peter found out in a hurry that Greg’s member was just as long and hard as he remembered it. He found it hopping Greg really was like slipping on a familiar pair of jeans.


    As his hard cock revealed itself, Ally gasped, “Oh wow, daddy! It’s bigger than Aiden’s!”


    Peter hesitated for a second, then said in an authoritative tone, “Young lady, how is it you’ve seen your brother’s cock?”


    “I’m sorry, daddy,” Ally pouted as she swung her legs back and forth. “I’ve seen it bunches of times because I’ve been fucking my brother all week.”


    “That is a very bad girl.”


    “Oh no! Does this mean you won’t play with me anymore?”


    Greg walked quickly over to his daughter. “I will, but I’ll have to punish you first.”


    “Ooh,” Ally squealed. “How are you going to punish me? Are you going to spank me?”


    “I…yes. So, uh…” Peter got down on one knee. “Lay on my knee with your butt in the air.”


    “Yes, daddy.”


    Christine didn’t know if she liked being spanked until that very moment. Turned out, she like it a lot. “Oh daddy! Yes, daddy! I’ve been a bad girl! I saw my brother’s cock so much! I let him fuck me with it! Oh that hurts daddy! Yes! I deserve it! I’m a little slut, aren’t I daddy?”


    And then Greg lifted her up and put her ass back on the work bench. He roughly spread her legs, and pushed his full length inside of her. “Oh yes, daddy! Yes! Play with your daughter! Let me be your plaything! I’ll only look at your cock from now on. I’ll be your good girl! Yes I will. Unless you want me to be bad! I’ll be whatever you want! Whatever you want daddy!”


    It ended up being another very good day for the Henderson’s. Less so for Aiden, who was trapped on a shopping trip with his mother, oblivious to why he ever said yes to it. It might be alright if he got some nice new clothes though.

No more chapters.

jibaky ∙ 10 April 2023

huh, i'm pretty sure that i commented on this when it first came out

jibaky ∙ 10 April 2023

anyways, i'll just do it again. I won't pretend that i feel about this new chapter the same as i did when it came out, but i'll nonetheless try and express it to the best of my abilities. As always, I love Kripto's writing, the interactions between the main completely abusing the lives and identities of the mounts is great, and i love how this time, they got to some fun as the opposite gender. Really, the way that peter was so reluctant to hop Ally, just to end up having the time of his life in her body is quite characteristic of the writer, and something that i really enjoy. Outside of the tfs part, just like in the first chapter, the couple have some fun exploring the mount's fetishes, which i really like, and wish more writers of the genre would do. Overall, this is is what i expected when i first commissioned this sequel, and i really wish that i had the money back when this came out to commission another chapter, but the world spins, and life doesnt care about such things

jibaky ∙ 10 April 2023

the only minor gripe i have is that the armpit stuff only happened right when Christine first possessed Aiden, and at the last part of the vacation they took as the siblings, which is fair, i imagine its not easy to write about a fetish that you don't have, and the fact that it was as well written as it was is quite impressive, and consistent to the way it was done in the first chapter with the foot fetish

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